Free Workshops to Improve Classroom & Campus Discussions This Fall
Are you faculty or staff looking to improve discussions in your classroom or on campus this fall? Do you know college students eager to transform their discussions skills? Register & share now!
Dear collaborative discussion friends,
We are excited to offer free workshops to help faculty, staff, and students have better collaborative discussions in classrooms and on campus this fall! Faculty and staff, join us on September 5th from 12pm to 1pm (eastern) for our Preparing for Collaborative Discussions this Fall Workshop.
Help your students improve their discussion skills as well! Invite them to register for our 5 Practices for Better College Discussions Workshop Series. This series of workshops will take place online from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (eastern) on September 25th, October 9th, October 23rd, November 6th, and November 20th.
Preparing for Collaborative Discussions this Fall Workshop
How can we prepare for and create productive collaborative discussions in our classrooms and on campus given high tensions and campus climate issues?
Join us on September 5th from 12pm to 1pm (eastern) to learn how to Prepare for Collaborative Discussions in your classrooms and on campus this fall using the Collaborative Discussion Toolkit.
In this free workshop we will highlight ready-to-use activities to help you and your students this fall. CDP Coach Dr. Rekha Sharma, an Associate Professor in the School of Communication Studies at Kent State University, will share how she uses activities in the Collaborative Discussion Toolkit to support discussions in her courses.
5 Practices for Better College Discussions Workshop Series for Students
Do you know a college student who could benefit from becoming a more effective discussion participant? We are offering a free workshop series designed just for them!
Invite them to join the 5 Practices for Better College Discussions Workshop Series for an introduction to the necessary skills for robust class conversations! This series of workshops will take place online from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (eastern) on September 25th, October 9th, October 23rd, November 6th, and November 20th.
These workshops will empower students to gain the necessary skills to communicate ideas effectively while valuing diverse perspectives. We will model selected activities from various modules of the Collaborative Discussion Toolkit.
By the end of this workshop series, participants will have…
A deeper understanding of key collaborative discussion concepts, skills, and mindsets.
Greater self-reflection of collaborative discussion strengths and areas for growth.
Broader appreciation for the role of collaborative discussion skills in the classroom, community, and workplace.
Learned how to engage with others to brainstorm and develop new, creative ideas together.
The ability to explore new perspectives and learn to understand values beyond individual viewpoints.
Developed the skill of asking thoughtful questions and strengthened their ability to ask questions that enhance discussions.
The ability to identify personal values and the impact they have in discussions.
Greater understanding of the impact of values in discussions and how to best navigate them.
Developed the ability to navigate the complexities of discussions and cultivate the willingness and understanding to find binary solutions.
How much does it cost? FREE
Students can attend all 5 workshops or choose which ones to attend when they register.
Workshop Topics:
September 25: Co-Creation
October 9: Asking Better Questions
October 23: Separating the Person and Issue
November 6: Intention vs Perception
November 20: Move Beyond Either/Or Thinking
Questions? Contact Cuda Zmuda at
Share this link with your students so they can learn more about this workshop series and register for the workshops they are interested in attending.
You can also download and share flyers about these workshops with your students! Here is the first flyer and here is the second one.
If you want to continue to receive these weekly messages that highlight toolkit activities and upcoming events, please remember to subscribe to our free newsletter.
Upcoming Events
Applications are now open! Apply to become an IF Sustained Discussion Visiting Fellow and receive $5,000 to support a discussion project focused on an emerging public concern. The deadline to apply is August 23, 2024. Apply Now!
IF Open House & Discussion: Where is Higher Education Headed? Come join us on Thursday, August 22 at 12 pm (eastern) for the IF Open House & Discussion! It’s a friendly online space where you can meet new people, share resources, and have engaging conversations on important topics. Register here.
September 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. The training will be from 9 am - 4 pm (eastern) on September 28, with an optional follow up session from 10 am - 12 pm (eastern) on September 29. The cost is $265. The deadline to register is September 4, 2024. Register Now!
October 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. The training will take place from 6 pm - 8 pm (eastern) on October 2, 9, 16, and 23. The cost is $265. The deadline to register is September 4, 2024. Register Now!
Looking forward to collaborating,
The Collaborative Discussion Project Team