Dear collaborative discussion friends,
In preparation for the Icelandic tradition of Jólabókaflóð (pronounced yo-luh-buh-ka-flod), roughly translated as “Yule book flood,” we are sharing with you books written by our CDP community members. If you are looking for a new holiday tradition, this one might win the Cozy Award. On Christmas Eve (or choose another evening in the winter if you do not observe Christmas), exchange books with friends and loved ones. After you exchange books, spend the rest of the evening reading together while sipping a cup of hot chocolate and sitting next to a cozy fire. If you would like to learn more about this tradition, check out this blog post on Visit Iceland.
If you have friends who might be interested in our CDP Winter Reading List 2023, please share this post. This list is for book loving, process-focused, believers in the power of dialogue and who just want to make the world a better, kinder place. If they would love nothing more than to be with good company, a drink, a fire, and a book—well, then, this tradition is also for them. Please feel free to share.

10 Books from our Collaborative Discussion Community Members
Improv for Democracy: How to Bridge Differences and Develop the Communication and Leadership Skills Our World Needs by Don Waisanen (link)
The Power of Strategic Listening by Laurie Lewis (link)
"I Want to Hear You": 22 Tips for Artful Listening before, during, and after a Conversation by John G. Igwebuike with Peter R. Malik (link)
Real Girls: Shifting Perceptions on Identity, Relationships, and the Media by Kiana Clayborn and Jessica Traylor (link)
Ties that Enable: Community Solidarity for People Living with Serious Mental Health Problems by Teresa L. Scheid and S. Megan Smith (link)
Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer on Dialogue and Deliberation in Higher Education edited by Nicholas V. Longo and Timothy J. Shaffer (with chapters from multiple community members) (link)
Internationalizing the Writing Center: Developing a Multilingual Writing Center by Noreen Lape (link)
Mothers in Academia edited by Mari Castaneda and Kirsten Isgro (link)
Hope for Democracy: How Citizens Can Bring Reason Back into Politics by John Gastil and Katherine R. Knobloch (link)
Try to Love the Questions by Lara Schwartz. It is forthcoming in early 2024 (link).
Did we forget your book? Don’t worry, we are going to be celebrating the Liechtenstein tradition of gifting books the morning of Valentine’s Day, encouraging people to spend the day in bed with their true love—books! Please note this is a complete lie and not a real tradition. We would, however, love to feature our community members’ books, projects, and upcoming events. Don’t be shy! Share these with us in time for Nauru’s spring Festival of Shameless Self Promotion (again, made up holiday—not a real thing—but we would love to reshare your creations and collaborations).
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Upcoming Events
Congratulations to our Collaborative Discussion Coaches who are concluding a certificate program at the end of this fall semester! Please remember to email Shannon Wheatley Hartman at to receive the link for the Retrospective Participant Survey. The results of these surveys will provide valuable feedback to help us better understand the impact of Collaborative Discussion Certificate Programs.
Looking forward to collaborating,
Shannon & Ritu