Activity to Address Misinformation + Free Resource
Use this activity from our CDP Toolkit to help address misinformation and join us for webinar on March 6th or March 25th to learn more about this free toolkit of discussion activities.
Dear collaborative discussion friends,
This week we are sharing an activity that can be used to help address misinformation. Misinformation is not only shared in articles, books, or online posts, but can also be encountered in real time during a discussion. This activity helps participants practice critical thinking while engaging in a conversation with a group. We are also including a free resource that can be used as a reminder of which activity can serve as a responsive intervention to help deal with misinformation during a discussion.
If you missed the previous newsletter, Fostering Dialogue and Civil Discourse at the University of Texas using the CDP Toolkit, you can access it and our other weekly newsletters by subscribing below.
Free resource with an activity to help address misinformation
Misinformation is an issue that can sometimes crop up during a discussion and it can be difficult to know how to respond to it without derailing the whole discussion.
The following activity introduces a modified version of the CLUE method to help participants learn and actively use critical thinking during a discussion. This is also an activity that helps participants develop their listening skills. The elements of this method can be used during any conversation to help participants listen carefully and evaluate & analyze each other’s contributions while engaged in a discussion, including to address any misinformation that may be shared.
Activity 3.1 Critical Thinking in Discussions
Activity 3.1 Critical Thinking in Discussions. We often associate the practice of critical thinking with reading and examining text. How do we practice critical thinking in real time while actively engaging in dialogue with others? This activity is an adaptation of the CLUE approach and designed to encourage critical dialogue.
Printable PDF of an activity to address misinformation
Download and print out copies of this PDF to use as a reminder of which activity can act as a responsive intervention to help participants critically analyze and respond to misinformation shared during a discussion. Share this with fellow educators, facilitators, or team leaders.
Shareable image of an activity to address misinformation
Share this image online with fellow educators, facilitators, or team leaders as a reminder of which activity can act as a responsive intervention to help participants critically analyze and respond to misinformation shared during a discussion.
Upcoming Events
Introduction to the CDP Toolkit Webinar. Learn about our free toolkit of activities designed to build and support collaborative discussion skills and mindsets. All are welcome! Register for an upcoming webinar:
Looking forward to collaborating,
Ritu, Shannon, & the Collaborative Discussion Team