Activity to Address Dystopian or Defeatist Discussions + Free Resource
Don’t miss out on the 50% early bird discount for the March 1 Foundations of Collaborative Discussion Workshop! Tomorrow, Feb 18, is the last chance to get this discount, so sign up now!
Dear collaborative discussion friends,
This week we would first like to share a quick reminder that we are offering a Foundations of Collaborative Discussion Workshop. During the workshop, we will model activities from the Collaborative Discussion Toolkit that you can use to help you set the stage for better conversations and productive collaboration.
The workshop is being offered on Saturday, March 1st from 10 am - 12 pm ET.
The regular price for the workshop is $50, but you can get a spot for just $25 by registering before the early bird deadline.
So, register by tomorrow, February 18th, to get this early bird price of $25! Use the coupon code EARLYBIRD030125 when checking out. This is the last chance to get this discount!
This week we are also sharing an activity that can be helpful when discussions become too dystopian. Instead of focusing only on problems and everything that can or will go wrong, this activity helps participants shift their mindset to imagine a positive future and explore the ways to make this future a reality. We are also including a free resource that can be used as a reminder of which activity can serve as a responsive intervention to help when discussions become too defeatist.
If you missed the previous newsletter, Meet our 2025 Collaborative Discussion Visiting Fellows, you can access it and our other weekly newsletters by subscribing below.
Free resource with an activity to help address dystopian or defeatist discussions
Some discussion can become too dystopian when things seem hopeless and a better future impossible or not realistic. The discussion can often get bogged down by the problems and “realistic” barriers that a group sees standing in the way of a better future.
The following activity can be used to intervene and help a group imagine boldly and create a positive vision of the future. This activity then helps them work backwards to find the potential solutions and positive developments happening in the present that can be the first steps towards building this ideal future.
Activity 2.8 Encouraging Bold Imagination
Activity 2.8 Encouraging Bold Imagination. This activity asks participants to describe a positive vision for the future in regard to a complex topic—and to collaboratively imagine the pathways to achieve this desired future. Instead of getting hung up by what groups think to be “realistic” limitations, this activity helps a group to imagine boldly.
Printable PDF of an activity to address dystopian or defeatist discussions
Download and print out copies of this PDF to use as a reminder of which activity can act as a responsive intervention when a group is focusing solely on problems and is having trouble imagining a positive future and thinking of solutions. Share this with fellow educators, facilitators, or team leaders.
Shareable image of an activity to address dystopian or defeatist discussions
Share this image online with fellow educators, facilitators, or team leaders as a reminder of which activity can act as a responsive intervention when a group is focusing solely on problems and is having trouble imagining a positive future and thinking of solutions.
Upcoming Events
Foundations of Collaborative Discussion Workshop. Learn how to set the stage for productive collaboration. This workshop will take place on Saturday, March 1st from 10 am - 12 pm ET. Register by February 18th to get the early bird price of $25! Use the coupon code EARLYBIRD030125 when checking out. Last chance to get this discount! Register Now.
Introduction to the CDP Toolkit Webinar. This webinar will take place from 12 pm to 1 pm (eastern) on Thursday, March 6th. Learn about our free toolkit of activities designed to build and support collaborative discussion skills and mindsets. All are welcome! Register Now.
Looking forward to collaborating,
Ritu, Shannon, & the Collaborative Discussion Team