4 Types of Stakeholders + Free Resource
Use these four categories to help create a comprehensive list of stakeholders for any issue
Dear collaborative discussion friends,
This week we are sharing four categories that can be used to help conceptualize and create a complete list of stakeholders for any topic, as well as a free resource that can be used as a reminder of these categories during a group discussion, in a classroom, or in a workshop. By using these four types of stakeholders to guide participants’ thinking about who has a stake in the discussion, it can help expand their thinking and help them bring in diverse perspectives to the table for a conversation about a particular issue.
If you missed the previous activity resource newsletter, 6 Active Listening Tips + Free Resource, you can access it and our other weekly newsletters by subscribing below.
Free resource to help create a comprehensive list of stakeholders
These four categories of stakeholders can be found in Activity 5.2 Developing an Awareness of Stakeholders. They are designed to help participants think about who might have an interest in a particular issue, as well as a unique perspective to bring to the conversation. It helps them craft a list of stakeholders that encompasses different perspectives and design an inclusive discussion about any topic.
The four types of stakeholders are:
Affected: Those directly impacted by the issue, whose lives are directly touched by the issue.
Helpers: Those who try to help those impacted, this could be family, friends, support groups, non-profits, institutions, etc.
Influencers: Those who try to influence how the issue is defined and/or advocate for changes.
Decision-Makers: Those who have the power to make change through policy. (Policy being defined as a change in the status quo which might include, but is not limited to legislation.)
Printable PDF of 4 types of stakeholders
Download and print out copies of these four categories of stakeholders to share with students in a class or participants in a workshop or discussion.
Shareable image of 4 types of stakeholders
Share this image online with students, a discussion group, or workshop participants.
Upcoming Events
September 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. The training will be from 9 am - 4 pm (eastern) on September 28, with an optional follow up session from 10 am - 12 pm (eastern) on September 29. The cost is $265. The deadline to register is September 4, 2024. Register Now!
October 2024 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training. The training will take place from 6 pm - 8 pm (eastern) on October 2, 9, 16, and 23. The cost is $265. The deadline to register is September 4, 2024. Register Now!
Preparing for Collaborative Discussions this Fall. During the gathering on Thursday, September 5 at 12 pm (eastern), we will be offering a free workshop to help you prepare for collaborative discussions in classrooms and campuses this fall. All are welcome! Register here.
5 Practices for Better College Discussions Workshop Series. Invite college students to register and attend these workshops for an introduction to the necessary skills for robust class conversations! This series of workshops will take place online from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (eastern) on September 25th, October 9th, October 23rd, November 6th, and November 20th. Share this link for them to register!
Looking forward to collaborating,
Ritu Thomas & the Collaborative Discussion Team